“So how will you help me,” asked the pretty girl, who smiles even when her heart is crying and bleeding
“How can you help me change all that?” she continued, but this time she wasn’t smiling.
I knew I had to explain to her and give her a visual answer. She was someone who came from art so I looked for a metaphor that would fit her world. I wanted to talk to her in her own language.
“Remember famous Michelangelo, who created these wonderful marble and delicate statues, like David?” I asked with a mischievous smile.
“Sure,” she replied.
“So I’ll tell you a story about him, and we’ll do what he did. Of course he was a genius, so we’ll just learn from him,” I continued.
” Michelangelo was used to order the largest blocks of marble for making his statues from a specific region in Italy,” I saw her big eyes looking at me like a child.
“One day, when he brought such a huge block of marble, asked him the guy who was responsible for transport: ‘Excuse me, Maestro, but I have a question’
“Yes,” replied Michelangelo, and the man continued with his question, “How do you manage to create such delicate sculptures, from such a large and rough blocks?”
She looked at me all-curious
I continued my story.
“It’s very simple,” answered Michelangelo. “The statue is already there – I only reduce the unnecessary!”
She sat back in her chair and I continued with a smile: “this is what we’re going to do! I’ll just help you remove the templates, the unnecessary thoughts, the fears – because everything is already there. You just have to remember what you have forgotten.”
The bright smile that spread in her eyes showed me I could explain to her the nature of our shared journey.
And I clearly knew that the “statue” that hides in the “marble” is beautiful.